Eat that Frog with a Pomodoro

Kinza Rafaqat
2 min readAug 21, 2020
set the alarm

Yesterday, I experienced this technique.In which you have to set an alarm for 25 minutes,complete your task and at the end reward yourself with a candy ,chocolate or whatever you like.

But it was not that difficult for me. What I did was , I set the alarm for 25 minutes and started doing work. A little distraction that I faced during this ,was mobile notifications.

distractions during work

So, I placed my mobile at a distance and started working again. I completed the first 25 minutes very calmly, then I set the alarm for the next 25 minutes. And surprisingly it also went well.

During the next two gaps, it was a little distracting, when I listened to some voices around.And then my body started aching.I took a break of 20 minutes. I caught my attention with no time.And i kept doing my work until i completed it.

And at the end I rewarded myself with a sweet dish i-e sawaiyan .

Happiness of completing task

