Fund Collection Activity

Kinza Rafaqat
2 min readSep 12, 2020

As we all know that after the death of Edhi sahib. The Edhi’s foundation is lacking in funds. so, the whole batch took the initiative to collect funds. We were given a time of 2 weeks by our facilitators. We faced many challenges as It’s a challenge in itself to ask for money and raise funds. we faced failure ad learnt from it.

kinza’s reflection:

First of all, We all the circle leaders created a different group for discussion that how to carry out our activity. We made different posters and added our accounts for online collection of funds. We all shared with our group members and then on all social media platforms. I personally called my friends. I sent messages to all the contacts and groups. But I did not get any positive response but a few. I personally messaged everyone and some of them got convinced, some said they have not get paid yet, some of them were like, their parents donate in the centers by their own, some of them promised to sent the money but did not responded later on.

It was very challenging. One has to be very patient and calm. It took time to convince people. Also, It was time taking activity. It needed team work.

Two of our group members were having their finals. There was a communication gap between us. So, everybody tried their best.

Bilal’ reflection:

It was healthy and welcoming experience. It motivated me to do such sorts of things in future. People were welcoming and encouraging but at the same time they were not contributing.

It also encouraged me to so such thing in future.

We did our best individually but as a group we could not do our best due some other activities going side by side. I was having my finals due to which I could not go extra mile for the activity of collecting funds. but it inspired me a lot and will do my best to help others in future also.

I learnt how 4 to 5 members can contribute to the society? How can they bring change into people’s lives. It’s not about changing the whole world, but a world of some.

I also learnt to accept failure that we could not get funds from everyone we contacted. But overall it was good experience.

